Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Shat reads Palin

As if you didn’t have enough reason to love Bill “The Shat” Shatner, I give you this:

I will say it again, if you have not purchased his latest album, do so. NOW.

Thanks Richard!


  1. Cute but my faith in Shat for political commentary was severly shaken last night (8/4/09) when on one of the crime/law sitcoms (I forget the name) Shat was caught in a closet "having relations" with a mannequin made up to look like his co-worker. Seems times have been tough for Shat since he ran out of green alien women. :-)

  2. Poor Shat. It's true what they say about "Once ya go green...". I heard he hit on Kermit at a rave in Cannes and Miss Piggy had to smack him down hard. The scuttlebut is Shat had a breakdown after filming episodes 11 and 12 and ran off the set. He was found 3 days later stalking Hugh Brannum at his house in Bel Air, naked and painted green.
